Good analysis. Israel does not want the final battle right now but is prepared to fight it if necessary. The manner in which it is responding is giving Iran and Hezbollah every chance to climb down and end the battle for now by retreating. The United States has not only failed to play a constructive role, it has greatly harmed efforts to prevent full scale war with its misguided "diplomacy". If we are fortunate, the Mullahs will blink and Israel will have time to prepare to defeat the Mullahs and their proxies in the absence of American assistance.

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Another excellent analysis. Last two comments, 100% agree with. Such odious evil has to be defeated and Israel does this for us all.

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Could you elaborate on your statement- 'Israel’s mission, should it invade southern Lebanon, would be to drive back the terrorist organisation some six miles over the Litani river, putting Hezbollah’s arsenal of 130,000 rockets out of range of Israeli settlements.'- My understand was that they have a vast quantity of long range rockets capable of striking most of Israel. Also, I'm curious if you know why this piece was rejected. Is it just that the media only wants articles that join in the anti-Israel bandwagon, or do you think it was something else?

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You seem to be advocating a limited ground assault. It makes sense to strike while Hezbollah’s c3 is compromised and push them back to where they should be but will it stop the missiles, given the ranges they now have? I was wondering if we are seeing a new kind of asymmetric warfare from Israel: the slow but persistent degradation of C3 until Hezbollah becomes a rabble, maybe (if C4) collapses through failure to pay or support cadres.

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At this stage I’m not really advocating for anything, in fairness. I’m just trying to analyse/predict with absolutely no remorse over Hezbollah deaths or injuries.

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IMVHO an under-analysed factor in all this is the UN and its associated bodies, which continue to give legitimacy to hamstringing Israel. I’m tempted to understand the UN response as something similar to that of the Catholic Church when discovering its priesthood had been infiltrated by paedophiles. Even though only a small number were present, they were able to use reputational risk and exploit trust to create a very effective culture of denial. That was eventually overturned and I’m wondering whether there’s more that can be done to support UN watch trying to do the equivalent. I fear that, until that happens, the UN will continue to be the most powerful weapon Iran Russia and China can wield. Historically, we have seen it before with the League of Nations and Republican Spain.

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What is C3 and C4, please?

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C3 is communication command and control, C4 adds computers

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