Sep 10Liked by Andrew Fox

Between Andrew Fox and John Spencer, any right thinking person would understand that Israel is conducting this war in a legal manner. Unfortunately the facts have not mattered since the beginning of the war ( and before that). The anti semites, the protestors at the universities and the social media “influencers” are all in bed with terror organizations joined by one commonality: Israel / Jews. Ironic that on the eve of 09/11, we literally have terror supporters marching in NYC and being cheered on. Many times by military veterans who allegedly fought in Iraq and Afghanistan against ISIS / Muslim Terror groups. Strange bedfellows united in their hatred and their belief that without Israel the world would be peaceful. How wrong they are.

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Sep 10Liked by Andrew Fox

By the way! My nephew is going in to Gaza for the second time next week. Prayers for him and his brothers and sisters as they battle these savages.

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He is in my thoughts.

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Thank you.

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@Odin, those of us who support Israel and know that Jewish people and Israelis are generally compassionate people have a basis to question the accusations because we know better. But, many we see protesting are very likely "right thinking" but have been fed lies for a long time. It also doesn't help that many have only known Israel under Netanyahu and have watched settlers in the West Bank, which I, personally, don't agree with. I believe it would be a mistake to believe that people who are speaking out against Israel are all twisted, support violence, or hate Jews. As always, I believe education could solve many of these problems, but it's difficult with all the propoganda and elite university complicity. In the US, we must start thinking about how to stop our universities from educating our young with lies and untrue information. I haven't spent much time trying to determine a strategy but we need to do something soon and start down the strategic path because it won't happen overnight. Just remember that people against Israel are not digesting the same information that Israel supporters are seeing. They are trapped in emotion fueled by information, the purpose of which is to rile them up, and when people have a common enemy, they get more riled up then they would standing alone. I saw it in high school, college, law school, and I watch it occur in everyday life. We must figure out how to make these people see us as people without placing ourselves or anyone else in danger. I'll stop with this comment because now I'm just writing what's coming to mind without actually thinking through my ideas.

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Well put but a couple of quibbles. First, I disagree that Israel is obligated by law to do what it does to protect civilians. It goes WELL BEYOND what it is required to do by law in the face of an enemy not only willing but deliberately AIMING to bring about the deaths of as many of its civilians as possible. Second, regarding the stripping of prisoners naked, you of course are aware that these monsters have a well known tendency to attach bombs to their bodies in an effort to blow themselves and as many Israelis as possible up. This is why the IDF forces them to strip, not to humiliate them. It is mandatory and necessary and any army fighting an enemy such as this would do the same thing. Otherwise, BRAVO.

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I’ve fought against suicide bombers and I politely disagree. Either way, the should not be kept naked once checked. Other than that, thanks for the kind words.

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I agree that they cannot be kept in such a state. But undressing for inspection and dressing is a certain procedure.

Regarding torture in Sde Taiman, time passes, and so far it seems that there is no evidence.

Yes, the inappropriate attitude of soldiers towards the enemy is unacceptable, but in the Israeli army such cases are tens, if not hundreds of times less common than in other armies.

The incident in Sde Taiman generally looked implausible from the very beginning, well, and many accusations against the Israeli army in the press are based either on photographs that cannot be explained unambiguously or on the interpretations of interested sources.

I am not saying that there are no violations, they always exist, but there is a very big difference between a violation and a crime, sometimes a whole gulf.

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I again thank you for your support of Israel. I wish that the British Government would listen to you.

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Get Well Soon.

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Thank you for sharing this excellent speech. Feel better.

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Sep 10Liked by Andrew Fox

Such an excellent heartfelt speech backed up by evidence and personal experience. Thankyou.

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idk why you’re not in charge of all the things Andrew like, can everyone just resign and hand you authority?

but before all that happens, plz feel better 💜

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So sorry you are not feeling well. Your intended speech is spot on and well said. Thanks for all you are doing on behalf of the IDF and Israel.

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Well said. My gripe is that there does not seem to be an end game. Kill Sinwar, destroy Hamas and then what? Who runs Gaza. This is not the IDFs brief but it will become their problem. And it seems Bibi has not prepared for a battlefield victory. What preparation is required and how to implement. Do you think the IDF can do an occupation or Gaza, squash problems on the West Bank and also undertake a war in the North?

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As always, thank you for sharing your knowledge and analysis. From the start, I've believed that the GoPro video from October 7th should be released to the public without any editing. As you've stated in other posts, photos of Gaza posted by media and others is difficult to combat because emotion takes over and reason goes out the window. The only way to combat the images from Gaza is to release the barbaric video from Oct. 7th. I've seen clips of the videos but I have not been able to find the full, uncut videos and I've tried. Except for trying to be compassionate to the families of those killed, why not release the video and all evidence of October 7th?

It sounds like you're under the weather. I hope you feel better soon.

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First of all, health and strength to you.

A very informative and at the same time short article, which lists events, gives an assessment, gives examples of actions and lists shortcomings.

And without any connection with the topic of the article, to which I have nothing to add, I want to ask: Of course, you know that some actions are taking place against the backdrop of political disagreements in Israel? Have you noticed that some decisions, actions or statements were made for political reasons, and not for the sake of Israel's security. And moreover, is it noticeable that these actions harm both security and the general image of the country?

Thank you.

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